Friday, October 24, 2008

Thoughts on the scariness that is Obama...

Here are some of the reasons I am scared of Obama. Some are much more important than others (#3 really isn't important at all, but kind of annoying :) I would love to know what you all think of what I have to say.

1. I can't criticize Obama without being called a racist.
Suddenly calling someone a socialist is attacking their skin color. Last I checked socialism has nothing to do with the color of people's skin. Obama is a socialist and no I am not racist.

2. Obama wants to raise taxes on small businesses, which is any business with under 500 people.

3. You must pay to view Obama's economic plan and a teacher at our school said he charged $4 for a cheapo sign for her to put up in her room. (McCain's sign was free)

4. People are practically praying to him.

5. Although people say his ties to people like Bill Ayers, Acorn, and Reverend Jeremiah Wright are not big deals and he supposedly no longer associates with them, I think they are big deals. I believe they show an incredible lack of judgment for the person who could potentially lead our country. Isn't it also true that those that you associate with in part make up who you are?

6. Biden says that we just need to trust Obama if he is elected and he may be doing something that appears to be wrong but we should just blindly trust him. Scary. Something that is wrong is wrong no matter how you sugar coat it with trust and hope.

7. Obama wants us to share the wealth by heavily taxing anyone who makes over $250,000 and deciding how much a company should be able to make with his windfall profits tax.

8. Some people are voting for him purely because he is black. Let me remind you, he is also half white. We should not be voting on a candidate based on his/her skin color, religion, gender, etc. I was discussing this with a coworker who said almost all the middle school students are saying they want to vote for Obama because he is black and it will usher in a new era. What would happen if I said I was voting for McCain because he is white? (just so you know, that is not why I voted for McCain) My teacher friend asked her students the same question and they immediately said she would be racist right after they said they would vote for Obama purely because he is black, hum... ironic isn't it?

9. Obama has been running for president for as long as he has been a senator. Two years as a senator (I don't count his time running for president) is not long enough to be president. He is very arrogant. He has written two memoirs and what has he done to be able to write two memoirs?

10. Obama keeps talking about energy independence, yet he says that we don't need to work towards drilling in our own country because it will take several years until that will make any difference. If we don't ever start, when will we ever have it?

11. He is for Roe vs. Wade.

12. He is THE most liberal senator in the whole senate.

13. The media is so incredibly liberally biased. Just take SNL for example. On their last several shows they have hardly said anything against Obama, but trashed McCain. SNL "joked" about Palin's husband being involved in incest with his daughters. Since when is it okay to joke about that? Why is it okay to say anything you want about McCain and Palin, but Obama is off limits? Can you imagine if someone said Obama was involved in incest with his daughters? There would have been public outrage! Why is it okay to say that about Palin's husband?

14. Gay marriage. Barack Obama compares gay marriage to the civil rights movement. He condones gay marriage and gay rights in this clip. Scary.

These are only the top 14 reasons why he scares me. I am sure I could find more if I kept searching. Please feel free to let me know what you think, whether you agree or disagree. The extra scary part is that I don't really love McCain either, but definitely like him better than Obama. I almost want to vote "none of the above" this year, but have already voted for McCain because the alternative is downright frightening.

1 comment:

Lacie said...

I'm scared for whatever happens. But hey, the end of the world has to come sooner or later, right!!