Saturday, May 23, 2009

New York, DC, Utah oh my!

So, it has been months since I last posted, but a lot has happened, so I thought it was about time I wrote.

So, about three weeks ago, I went to NYC to purly to prepare for the field trip that I am taking my junior high club on next week and came home thinking that I wanted to move there. I have wanted to move there for a while, but when I had the chance three years ago, it didn't feel right. So, I came home, prayed a ton and got my answer. NYC it is.

My life has been absolute chaos since... I had to apply for teaching jobs there, do phone interviews, tell my principal, prepare for the end of the school year, move out of my classroom, prepare for my field trip in a week and so many other things... what a crazy few weeks.

So, I do not have a job in NYC yet, but know that since it is right, something will work out. I have an in-person interview next week at a great school there, an in-person interview in DC (mostly for summer school, but also to keep my options open, I gotta have a job) and two more phone interviews for next week. I am praying that at least one will pan out. I am hoping for the one at Achievement First (the in-person in NYC next week).

I know all of this is crazy, but I know it is right and one way or another everything will work out. I just need to get a job, sell my car and find two more roommates to rent my house... Know anyone who needs a car or a place to live in Gilbert? :)

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