Monday, September 1, 2008

Thoughts on politics...

This is truly a momentous year for politics. I started out the year being so excited about the presidential race, I admit it, I was a Romneyite. I wanted Mitt to win, so when he was out, I got a little disappointed and when McCain got the nod, I was downright depressed. No true republican this time. I even started to lean towards Obama (I know scary). I still secretly hoped that McCain would pick Romney as his running mate, but alas he picked Palin. Now though, the more I learn about Palin, the more I get excited. I think she may actually be a conservative. Our country may have hope.

Hope, change, those are the key words this year. Obama keeps touting how he is going to bring change, but what does he have to show that he will do that? He has been running for president for two of his four years as a senator. He has done relatively nothing, except write autobiographies, yet he talks about all of these amazing things he is supposedly going to do. I have found very few concrete plans for what he is going to do. I have listened to his speeches (which he is definitely great at doing) and have looked on his website, yet I have still not found anything to satisfy my questions.

To be honest, he scares me with his plans to socialize health care and everything else (think of how well the government does at running the education system, do we really want them running the health care system too? Yes, I know according to Obama's plan they won't run the whole thing, but any more government is too much). I do not think there should be a cap on how much money a business should be able to make, even if it is the "evil" oil company (which I do not believe is actually evil). His moral stands also worry me. He is pro-choice and believes in marriage between a man and a woman yet thinks we shouldn't discriminate against homosexuals (how does that work?). He also talks about cutting taxes to 95% of people, yet wants to start so many programs like universal health care. How is that going to work? He gave some answers in his speech at the DNC, but the answers were not enough to satisfy me.

Time now to get off the Obama soap box...

Thanks for reading. If you are an Obama fan and feel like I have been unjust or am wrong, please let me know. I was corrected some yesterday and wouldn't mind learning more.

Have a good day. Work hard!

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