Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thoughts on starting a blog...

So, I have toyed with the idea of starting a blog before and have even started two, but neither of them went anywhere. I am going to try again though. I don't know if anyone will read this or if I am really even writing this with the intent to be read, but here goes anyway...
My thoughts today revolve around what I learned in Church. What an amazing meeting! I just love my new YSA ward. I have been so spiritually fed every week. One thing that really stood out to me today is how much prophets are a type of Christ. We talked a little about King Benjamin today and his address and it hit me that one of the things he talks about the most is service. He talks about the fact that he is the king, yet he is a servant of all. That is so a type of Christ. Christ is the King of us all yet he was humble enough to wash the apostles' feet. He is a King, yet He allowed Himself to die for us all. King Benjamin could have lived off of his people's labors, but he chose not to. Christ could have done the same. I am sure there would have been enough people who would have been willing to take care of Him all the time, yet He was never lazy.
I am on a quest now to find out how each prophet is a type of Christ. I am excited about this quest.
Another thing I was thinking about had to do with our Bishop's lesson. He talked about putting up roadblocks to stop ourself from going down familiar paths of self doubt, worrying, contention etc. Well, one major thing I took out of that is that I need to put up roadblocks to stop myself when I begin doubting myself. I need to stop myself when I start worrying about what other people are thinking about me. Instead of doing those two things, I need to think about Christ and pray for help to think of ways I can better help the person I was just thinking about. I want to instead of worrying about a person judging me, expend that same energy in thinking about how to make that person feel better.
Well, those are the things I learned from Church. I sure hope I can implement them in my life!
Thanks for reading :)